Frequently Asked Questions

Open Source Videos

What is the purpose of these videos?

The purpose is to widen the path for children, families, and early childhood colleagues to more fully collaborate in the great improv of learning (and living!) at school/in care centers. The videos are not didactic but, rather, an invitation to co-create. Flow with it and have fun!


  • Creativity is not just about art. Creativity helps us to approach the unknown with confidence. OPERATIVE: Confidence in ourselves and each other (vs. confidence in doing it right or having the answers).

  • Children are the creative experts. Our (adult) job is to offer tools, skills, and partnership. Sometimes offering skills means first strengthening one’s own skills.

  • I’ll speak to all of this in a video!

Who do I credit when using / modifying these videos?

Please credit anyone who has contributed to this moment for you — anyone who has helped you to more intentionally braid artistry into your teaching practice. If applicable, include me . While open source is meant to be used freely, it is respectful to credit the creator for their work in knitting together their particular experiences, connections, and insights. Also, acknowledging the work of others is part of building a legacy of trust and relationships. This is generally vital, especially in the relational ecosystem of early childhood learning and wellness.

Is it ok to sell these videos?

No. Selling work that has a clear origin (here) and is meant to be shared openly shifts the energy, intention, and impact. The purpose of this love labor is to create greater access, connection, and collaboration.

Can I offer suggestions on video topics I’d like to see covered re: learning alongside children?

Yes, please - team work makes the dream work! Please submit your suggestion below. Thank you!